Forums - MvC2: Anti Blackheart Show all 23 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2: Anti Blackheart ( Posted by S_G_Ami on 11:27:2001 06:40 AM: MvC2: Anti Blackheart im not used to playing vs he cathces me off guard. can anyone give me strats vs him using storm,cammy,cable,doom,sent,cc,spiral,psylocke? they will be in teams of cammy/cable/psy, doom/storm/sent, spiral/sent/cc, or cammy/cable/doom also...when its my sent vs doom....i ALWAYS lose that match...what should i do? Posted by shiniduo on 11:27:2001 11:16 AM: I suggest using your storm/sent/doom team. doom can whiffle the big guy easily.. you can play a very good keep away game because of of storm's assist and sent's assist doom's flight mode is your best friend here... Sent against Doom.... yeah I understand you most Doom players will super jump and rain you with lasers... Personally I like using my signature team... hood sent hayato Posted by S_G_Ami on 11:27:2001 07:36 PM: whiffle? which storm assist? hood/sent/hayato? is that a joke? Posted by REALPLAYER on 11:27:2001 10:16 PM: Re: MvC2: Anti Blackheart quote: Originally posted by S_G_Ami im not used to playing vs he cathces me off guard. can anyone give me strats vs him using storm,cammy,cable,doom,sent,cc,spiral,psylocke? they will be in teams of cammy/cable/psy, doom/storm/sent, spiral/sent/cc, or cammy/cable/doom also...when its my sent vs doom....i ALWAYS lose that match...what should i do? *scratches head* Sentinel owns Doom. Flight mode is too much for him. When he super jumps to throw photons, you have two options.... 1. wavedash 2. superjump with him. If he does a sj.fierce laser, block it and then activate flight mode. He will most likely toss out a photon shot after the fierce laser. Sent can easily avoid those things during flight mode. Plus you're using CapCom with him.....pfftttt...Doom gets rocked in this fight. Posted by GeekBoy on 11:27:2001 10:18 PM: Cable, Storm, Sentinel, Doom can all beat down on Blackheart. Posted by disgruntled goa on 11:27:2001 11:06 PM: While Cable, Sentinal, Storm, and Doom can all beat Blackheart, it isn't nearly as easy as it sounds, at least not against a good player. Personally, I find Doom to have the easiest time against him. The important thing to remember when facing BH is to be patient. Being reckless will result in getting hit by some demons, an infinite, or an inferno xx whatever. Posted by shiniduo on 11:28:2001 11:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by S_G_Ami whiffle? which storm assist? hood/sent/hayato? is that a joke? whiffle that's our term in "weakening" your opponent Projectile assist for Storm and no hood/sent/hayato is not a joke...its my main team although I sometimes replace hayato with either jin/psylocke all have good AAA... Posted by S_G_Ami on 11:28:2001 03:51 PM: how does doom have an easy time against BH? mine doesnt. im pretty patient.....its just that i cant get the starts jumping and throwing demons and i cant do do you beat him with doom? Posted by Ping on 11:28:2001 05:37 PM: I assume with Doom you could use a sj.hp to shoot him out of the sky when he rains his demons, given you jump up with him. Desipte that, though, I can't at the moment think of how Doom easily beats BH. Maybe I'm forgetting something. I remember hearing one thing over and over when it came to fighting BH- Stay on the same horizontal level as him. After using BH, I can understand. If you superjump with him when he does his demons, then they won't hit you. Posted by Nightshade3D on 11:28:2001 07:27 PM: What I do against BH is either stay above him or below him, except when you are above him you're going to have to watch out for his inferno xx Heart of darkness, you should also keep in mind that his Block stun is something to take advantage of, that and the fact that he's a big target. You can also set his ass up when he lands with Doc Doom's AAA. Just watch out for his c.lps because they have some pretty desent priority compared to other characters speed. Having either CapCom's AAA or BH's AAA on your side also helps. When your opponent starts to go up into to the air to start throwing crap down at you and whatnot then that's when you start getting RIGHT under him and start calling out the AAAs. Then when he's on the ground, have him guessing which way to block by rushing that shit down with your Magneto or Storm (assuming you use these characters). Posted by The Orochi on 11:28:2001 08:42 PM: It's all about SJ with BH so if he throws demons you can punish him for it. Doom-J.FP with doom can keep BH at bay. With doom, BH has a tuff time SJ-demons, When BH SJ,SJ with him & FP if BH goes for his Inferno you can time it right with doom & do his SJ.Proton super & it will go right threw. Cable-SJ.FP is how i take care of BH. If you have a super then you basiclly own BH.the second he tries to SJ.demons BAM AHVB The same goes for Storm & Sent. With storm attack-special. Sent it's SJ.FP, fly-unfly to trick them out to do a special. I keep Cable 2nd against a good BH team.Build up special who ever is first. then if(& more likely do) they do BH inferno xx heart of darkness for chip i counter to Cable at the end so cable goes flying off & you can do AHVB's on BH because of his delay on his super. Posted by shiniduo on 11:28:2001 09:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by S_G_Ami how does doom have an easy time against BH? mine doesnt. im pretty patient.....its just that i cant get the starts jumping and throwing demons and i cant do do you beat him with doom? sometimes rushing is the best option when BH starts the "inferno" cancel into heart of darkness and you blocked it that's the time to strike .... Posted by The Orochi on 11:28:2001 09:35 PM: I forgot about the airblock-Dach tactics that air dashers have over BH. on the ground, Mag can sometimes just walk through the Heart of darkness after the inferno. My arcade calls that slippery Magneto Posted by Pentium on 11:28:2001 09:43 PM: I have a friend who plays blackheart and he is pretty good what he catches me most or used to catch me with was the demons when i jumped and was caught by the demons you literally bounce off the ground and cant move for like 5 seconds and he would always get me in the inferno xx Heart of darkness but you can mashout of the demon and block and they will probaly miss their super Posted by MilkMan on 11:28:2001 10:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by S_G_Ami whiffle? which storm assist? hood/sent/hayato? is that a joke? !!!!!! Posted by DeathFromAbove on 11:28:2001 10:08 PM: Space Control: BH has very little he can do at full-screen range, on/near the ground. Any character with full-screen exploitables can eat him in that area. The only thing BH can do at full-screen during SJ, is to dash. Ditto the above. Try and stay in those 2 areas relative to him, and the fight is a lot easier. Keep in mind that even the rush characters have horizontal projectiles that do bother BH (Typhoon & EM Disruptor). Thankfully for you, virtually nobody plays BH any differently than just SJ.HK and jumpback HP. Thing is, you have to be patient. It takes a while to kill BH ('cept w/ Cable) because all you're really going to get are standalone projectile hits. But you can get them nearly as often as you like, so take advantage. -DFA Posted by darkstorm_83 on 11:28:2001 10:49 PM: this is no joke but honestly i think captain commando is the best to use against blackheart. for one every time blackheart jumps up he has to worry about getting a captain sword shoved down his ass. and another thing is have doom backing commado up and keep throwing out captain commandos helper that flies across the screen. i think his name is jennety or somethin like that. also u can jump with bh and shoot captain fires at him. theres not much blackheart can do against a good captain commando player. just try captain commando out and see what happens. Posted by mixup on 11:28:2001 11:36 PM: ?/\? *too much......* Posted by Dasrik on 11:28:2001 11:54 PM: quote: Originally posted by mixup ?/\? *too much......* He's right. Commando does beat BH. It's just that all the dickriders are too busy parroting everyone who says "oh yeah, commando sucks on point" to notice. Posted by S_G_Ami on 11:29:2001 03:17 AM: cool stuff you guys..thnx....any ideas with some of the other characters i mentioned? Posted by blazeup on 11:29:2001 05:59 AM: try using sent w/ bh assist. just call bh while you fly back, unfly and dash up and do some stomps into fly again. If you think he is going to infernoxxhod fly forward and combo him as he rises. do not try to rush him down in the air or you'll get hp demons. thats is prob the easiest way atleast for me. i am going to try commando out, sounds sound. Posted by MvC2Fighter on 11:30:2001 06:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik He's right. Commando does beat BH. It's just that all the dickriders are too busy parroting everyone who says "oh yeah, commando sucks on point" to notice. Capt. on point? Just leave him on assist where he belongs damn! Ok, he might be OK if he's your last character left and the other guy has BH, but I can think of a ton of other people that I would rather have fighting against blackheart (READ: Cable+capcom(assist not point)) Posted by Adam*Warlock on 11:30:2001 09:52 PM: Aight, not many people suggested this but I say use... Cammy! Why? Well if you can catch blackheart you can lock him down pretty much with her rushdown and a doom assist. Her combos are devesatating and she's got a pretty good mixup. Plus, I take a lot of Blackheart players out by anticipating demons, jumping in the air and Air Canon Drill XX KBA while he's lagging from demons. If he blocks, he can't hurt you too bad and if you suspect retaliation, you can always cansel into the KBA and keep him guessing which side you'll land on. I usually murder blackheart with my Cammy. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:29 PM. 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